Friday, July 12, 2024

What is Alaska Actually Like?

 What is it like to live and spend time in the Alaska, the 49 state? In this video I show you a little glimpse into the world of the Last Frontier. Include drone video, timelapse photography, and some of my best landscape photography, street photography and mostly set in the Kenai Peninsula of southern Alaska. Locations include Seward, Alaska, Resurrection Bay, Homer, Alaska, Denali, Hatcher Pass, and more.

Alaska. One minute you’re as serene as heaven, the next you serve me a dose of humble pie. I stare in awe at your highest peaks, and dance under your wondrous northern lights. But you are fierce, cold, unforgiving. Just when I think I’ve mastered you, you send me scurrying like a scolded pup. You are intense. Playful. Powerful. You make us weep for joy and in fear. But what would we do without you. We became addicted to your highs, and now nothing ever quite holds a candle to them. From the meanest grizzly to the tamest shrew, tallest mountain to tiniest flower… You just are…. Well, Alaska.

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