Showing posts with label youtube channel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youtube channel. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Year of YouTube: Did I Get Rich? Did I Learn Anything?

Alaska landscape photography
Callisto Peak, Resurrection Bay, Alaska
What can Youtube offer creators? What has a year of Youtube taught me? Is it still worth it to have a Youtube channel even if you have less than 1K subs? 

Are you thinking about starting a YouTube photography channel? It can be a fun and worthwhile experience despite the amount of work and lack of financial reward that most channels experience in their first year. I learned a great deal about videography, how to set up great shots, capture crisp sound and tell a compelling story. I still have a long way to go and haven't gained as much traction as I hoped, but the process has been a lot of fun. Ultimately, if you are having fun, then creating a new YouTube channel is worth it.

In this episode of Alaska Brian I look back at a year of posting videos almost weekly on Youtube and think about what I learned from using the platform and what I plan to do going forward.

Here is the short film I made to celebrate a year of YouTube and ponder a bit of what I've learned and whether or not it was worth all the work.

Subscribing to my YouTube channel costs you nothing and helps me out a lot. No need to even leave this page to do it, just click here:


Visit THE ARCHIVE: A list of most of my articles and posts sorted by category

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Copyright notice: This website and all its contents are the intellectual property of Brian Wright Photography. None of the content can be used or reproduced without expressed written approval.

For information about how to contact us, visit this link

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Landscape Photography in Southwestern New Mexico

In  this episode of Alaska Brian, I visit Silver City, New Mexico in New Mexico's southwestern corner. I visit some local trails to take pictures of old juniper and cottonwood snags, check out the Dragonfly Trail to see some petroglyphs, attempt some timelapses of a desert thunderstorm, and capture some beautiful sunset light. We also visit the famous and beautiful "catwalk" of Whitewater Canyon along Whitewater Creek near Glenwood, New Mexico. Not really a "honeypot" or iconic location, this is landscape photography in the beautiful but humble New Mexico desert.

Subscribing to my YouTube channel costs you nothing and helps me out a lot. No need to even leave this page to do it, just click here:


Visit THE ARCHIVE: A list of most of my articles and posts sorted by category

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Copyright notice: This website and all its contents are the intellectual property of Brian Wright Photography. None of the content can be used or reproduced without expressed written approval.

For information about how to contact us, visit this link

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

How to Chase the Northern Lights (Video)

What is a good KP value to see the aurora? What is the interplanetary magnetic field and how does it affect the northern lights? What is the IMF BZ and what does it mean for the aurora? What is the DSCOVR satellite and how can I use its data? Why do I keep going out on nights with a high KP forecast and not seeing any northern lights? 

In this video, I attempt to give some answers to these questions and more. Also included is information about the Halloween 2003 KP-9 solar storm and the strongest known solar storm of all time, the Carrington Event, as well as some pretty cool photos of the aurora.

The northern lights can be a tricky and sometimes frustrating trophy to chase. Many times, in my early Alaska years, I waited around freezing my fingers off staring at a dark, desolate sky with nothing to show for it. After too many of these bitter disappointments, I was determined to learn as much as I could about the science behind the northern lights, so that I would never go out on fruitless late night chases again. Today I’m going to talk about a few of the basic numbers that can help you go out on efficient Solar storm chases. Don’t waste your time staring at empty skies, know exactly when and where the northern lights are going to dance.

Watch my video guide to understanding the numbers of the aurora borealis here:

Subscribing to my YouTube channel costs you nothing and helps me out a lot. No need to even leave this page to do it, just click here:

Visit THE ARCHIVE: A list of most of my articles and posts sorted by category

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Copyright notice: This website and all its contents are the intellectual property of Brian Wright Photography. None of the content can be used or reproduced without expressed written approval.

For information about how to contact us, visit this link

Friday, February 9, 2024

Packrafting a Mysterious Alaska Canyon (Video)

Armed only with a vague description from an out-of-print Alaska whitewater guidebook, we decide to launch our packrafts into a mysterious and committing canyon. We found when started our way down the wild rapids that navigating Primrose Creek in our Alpacka packrafts was both more difficult and dangerous but also more exciting than we imagined.

Subscribing to my YouTube channel costs you nothing and helps me out a lot. No need to even leave this page to do it, just click here:

Visit THE ARCHIVE: A list of most of my articles and posts sorted by category

find us on facebook

Copyright notice: This website and all its contents are the intellectual property of Brian Wright Photography. None of the content can be used or reproduced without expressed written approval.

For information about how to contact us, visit this link

Sunday, September 10, 2023

My New Youtube Channel

It is with great excitement, and a lot of anxiety, that I announce the launch of my new photography/vlog/humor Youtube channel, Alaska Brian. Many Alaskans are world-class adventurers, daring boat captains, self-sufficient homesteaders and hunters... I am none of those. Instead, I am a mediocre photographer, coward adventurer and all-around sleepyhead who is in bed by 9:30 pm more often than not. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy being mediocre and embrace being a goofball at the same time.

My channel will not get too deep into photography how-to's and gear reviews; there are already so many great channels that do that better than I ever could. Instead, I want to share my strange but beautiful corner of the world and give insight to what it's like to be to be a landscape photographer, outdoors enthusiast and family guy above 60 degrees latitude. I've embedded my most recent episode below. If you enjoy, please consider liking, subscribing, and commenting. They are easy to do and help me out a lot!

You can help me out a ton by subscribing to my channel. Just click the icon below!

Visit THE ARCHIVE: A list of most of my articles and posts sorted by category

find us on facebook

Copyright notice: This website and all its contents are the intellectual property of Brian Wright Photography. None of the content can be used or reproduced without expressed written approval.

For information about how to contact us, visit this link