Sunday, July 28, 2024

Three Days, Three Toddlers and Spencer Glacier in Alaska (With Video)

Three days, 3 toddlers and an Alaska glacier. What could go wrong?

Iceberg at Spencer Lake Alaska
Iceberg at Spencer Glacier Lake
Spencer glacier just off Alaska’s Turnagain Arm, is a perfect taste of the Alaska backcountry without feeling too committing. Accessed from a whistle stop off the Alaska railroad and an easy one mile hike, it is close and convenient yet stunning with its sheet of wrinkled ice and broad lake dotted with gleaming icebergs. It seemed ideal for a first backpack trip with a three year old.

But as we set off into the wild, I felt a growing unease about the things that could go wrong. Even though Spencer is close to the most populous part of the Last Frontier, it still is, well, the Frontier. Were we putting our daughter in danger just by bringing her to a place like this? Were we setting ourselves up for misery and failure? The next three days would tell.

Our journey started at the Portage Train depot where the three of us and some friends boarded the steaming, blue and gold Alaska railroad. It was my daughter’s first train ride and her eyes filled with wonder as we rolled into the forest. It was a short trip to the whistle stop, and once we left the crowds behind, a hush fell over the landscape.

It was a wet, chilly night. After a soggy breakfast the next morning, we settled on a hike around the lake for a better view of the enormous glacier, and its many icebergs.

After lunch, the rain tapered just enough to inflate the boats and head out the water.

It’s humbling to float through the maze of blue ice. They stand like frozen, dynamic sculptures. We drifted in the calm water, trying to decide what animals they resembled. The challenges of endless rain and sleepless nights with a toddler washed away.

Sometime during the night, the blanket of clouds tore apart. The morning air was crisp and calm. The lake surface mirrored the sky above. It was perfect for photography and for another paddle.

Day pressed on. The yellow sun quickly felt hot. We basked in warm of a perfect Alaska afternoon.

When the time came for the short hike out,  we left all our challenges and fears behind. Without questions, it was all worth it.


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Friday, July 12, 2024

What is Alaska Actually Like?

 What is it like to live and spend time in the Alaska, the 49 state? In this video I show you a little glimpse into the world of the Last Frontier. Include drone video, timelapse photography, and some of my best landscape photography, street photography and mostly set in the Kenai Peninsula of southern Alaska. Locations include Seward, Alaska, Resurrection Bay, Homer, Alaska, Denali, Hatcher Pass, and more.

Alaska. One minute you’re as serene as heaven, the next you serve me a dose of humble pie. I stare in awe at your highest peaks, and dance under your wondrous northern lights. But you are fierce, cold, unforgiving. Just when I think I’ve mastered you, you send me scurrying like a scolded pup. You are intense. Playful. Powerful. You make us weep for joy and in fear. But what would we do without you. We became addicted to your highs, and now nothing ever quite holds a candle to them. From the meanest grizzly to the tamest shrew, tallest mountain to tiniest flower… You just are…. Well, Alaska.

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Copyright notice: This website and all its contents are the intellectual property of Brian Wright Photography. None of the content can be used or reproduced without expressed written approval.

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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Yikes! What Did I Just Capture on My Game Cam?

For four weeks in 2024 I left had a game cam at the edge of my property ninety yards from my house in Seward, Alaska. I set it up pointing at a game trail. What sorts of Alaska wildlife might I capture? Would I capture black bears? Moose? Coyotes? Wolves? Maybe even a grizzly bear or brown bear? A group of meth heads? I had no idea what to expect, and as I first started to sift through the images it seemed I had only captured a few of the neighborhood pets. Finally, after nearly a month I go and retrieve my camera and reveal what I captured. Needless to say, I was a little surprised by the results....


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Copyright notice: This website and all its contents are the intellectual property of Brian Wright Photography. None of the content can be used or reproduced without expressed written approval.

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